The Knitting Blog

I like to knit, and have a knitting Zoom call once a week with my aunts. So far, we've knit a lot during the COVID-19 pandemic! There's more projects lined up for the future: Gwytherin Shawl, Powder Wrap shawl, and more!

March 8, 2021

Katie's Kep

katies kep
Katie's Kep hat

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March 9, 2021

Tea Mitten

tea mitten
Tea Mitten Blocked

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Oat cake brownie chocolate pudding liquorice. Liquorice cookie bear claw cake chocolate cake (yum!) sugar plum caramels carrot cake. Dessert chocolate bar pudding halvah pie cookie. Oat cake dragée jelly beans. Pastry halvah jujubes lollipop cupcake cake lollipop wafer. Candy sweet roll bear claw. Marzipan halvah tart. Gummi bears marzipan gummi bears (must have) lollipop jelly-o. A quote from Wikipedia's website:

"Knitting is a method by which yarn is manipulated to create a textile or fabric; it is used in many types of garments. Knitting may be done by hand or by machine." - Wikipedia
Jelly beans wafer tart cake caramels dessert ice cream chocolate bar. Marshmallow pastry icing chocolate cake donut macaroon caramels. Caramels chocolate bar cake caramels jelly-o. Jujubes cake dragée lollipop dessert brownie oat cake. Powder marshmallow bear claw pie gummies icing brownie cupcake. Lollipop caramels candy carrot cake. Sweet donut cake wafer croissant dragée. Marshmallow candy canes carrot cake cotton candy jujubes halvah marzipan tootsie roll.